Sunday, November 21, 2010

Action Jackson

Yesterday I sat in the Cabin Coffee house for six very long hours working on homework with a friend of mine.  We were working on a paper...and man were we unmotivated.  The happenings around us were just so distracting and we both seemed to enjoy people watching over our social issues paper....but for some reason we stuck with it.  The change of scenery was refreshing and neither of us felt like braving the cold to find a quieter homework spot.

About five hours in we both decided that we needed a bit of a break so we started strumming on the guitar that was sitting in the corner of the coffee shop.  After a matter of minutes we were greeted by an older gentleman who wanted to play a song on the guitar for us.  I handed over the guitar to this new friend of ours with a smile and listened as he played some obscure Willie Nelson song.  After playing a few songs he handed the guitar back to me...I quietly strummed one of my favorite songs as he introduced himself to us.  Action Jackson.  We made some small talk with him...learning that he is from White Earth reservation and currently works on cars in some local garage here in Bemidji. 

After a bit of small talk Action Jackson asked us if we could spare a couple of bucks.  Honestly, I did not feel comfortable just giving him money...who knows what he would have spent it on....but I was more than willing to buy him a warm dinner.  We headed to the front of the shop.  Action Jackson ordered.  I payed.  He got his food.  We went back to our paper. 

I have so much....for the past few years I have really felt that God is calling me to live off of less.  This stuff that I have surrounded myself with is nothing but a distraction, getting in the way of my relationship with God and with my family and friends.  Although I want to simplify, I want to sell everything and give it to the poor, I struggle.  It is hard to give up this stuff that I am so attached to.  Every month or so I go through my closet getting rid of clothes that I have not worn.  I try to buy less....and when I do shop I try to make my purchases form thrift stores, local businesses, or companies who use their income to support people in need.  Finally, I give my money away often....donating money to organizations like the mocha club, compassion international, charity water, and my good friends in Nsoko Swaziland.  But all of these things are still fairly comfortable.  It is easy to toss a few t shirts in a garbage bag and pass them along to a good will.  It is easy to find some sweet kicks from TOMs Shoes, buy them, and feel good about myself.  And it is easy to make a quick online payment to an organization that is doing great work in some developing country.  All of these things are great....and honestly I am proud of my ability to be aware of my consumption and try to help others through my purchases...but I still want to do more.  And this next step has been real difficult.  Giving up my comfort so that others may simply live sounds easy enough but it has been a surprisingly difficult challenge.  I think the hardest part of this is that I am so removed from the extreme poverty that is a reality to so many people. 

We need to become aware of these problems first hand, searching out opportunities to serve and use our resources to help others.  I am so thankful that God brought me to the Cabin Coffee Shop on this brisk Saturday evening, I am glad that we took our homework break when we did, and I am thankful that God has given me the ability to provide my new friend with a meal.  I pray that God will continue to give me opportunities like this one.  I pray that I will not only continue to feel convicted to live a simpler life but that also I have the strength to live a less comfortable life so that others can simply live.  Finally, I pray that God will give me the opportunity and the strength to live in a place where I will see this need daily.  Not so that I can give people who are less fortunate than I am sympathy and a warm meal but so that I can learn to love others more than I love myself.

I think that that is really what it all comes down  This lifestyle of simiplicity will be nothing but common sense when we learn to love God and others more than ourselves. 

Monday, November 8, 2010 I go. seems that just about everybody and their brothers has a blog SOO I figured I should join in on all of this blogging goodness.  Not really sure how often or in what ways I will utilize this blog...but here it is anyway and I am sure that it will be filled with thoughts, quotes, lyrics, and pictures in no time at all.  I am excited for the adventures that I will share with you all (if anyone actually reads this) and for the stories that I am sure I will reminisce. 

For now I will leave you all with this quote that has been on mind a lot lately... 

"As the body of Christ our greatest crime against humanity is our indifference and indecision towards the cultural problems we are faced with.  This tolerance lulls us into a state of limbo that kills action.  Without action there is no rescue, For some, without rescue there is no hope.  You can be that hope you can be that rescue." 
                                                                            -Eric Samuel Timm